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The MKN company, Kora Neza (MKN in acronym), is a one-person company incorporated under Burundian law operating in the field of systems engineering.
Systems engineering or systems engineering is an interdisciplinary scientific approach which aims to master and control the design of systems whose complexity does not allow easy control.
By system, we mean a set of human or material elements in interdependence from one another and which interoperate within borders open or not on the environment.

The hardware elements are made up of various technology subsets :
     =>  mechanical,
     => electric,
     => electronic,
     => computer equipment,,
     => softwares,
     => communication networks, etc.

The founder of the company "MKN, Kora Neza" is Engineer Jean Pierre MUGABONIHERA, graduated from the University of Burundi in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering of the former Faculty of Applied Sciences (FSA).

Inspired by the technological development of the West and the catching up of the East during the second half of the 20th century on the one hand and convinced that "the capacities of the human brain depend neither on the color of the skin nor on the geographical space but of what preoccupies man "on the other hand, this Engineer does not doubt that the African, the Burundian, ..., the imaginary southern man can create a technological object " 100% made in africa, in burundi ,…, In imaginary south ”.

Once the imaginary south changes the focus of its concerns, future generations will write in their history books: "THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH MELTED."

While thanking the governments, companies and individuals who have already taken the lead in this predicted merging of imaginary borders, "MKN, Kora Neza" would also like to make a contribution.


33, Boulevard de l’OUA, Quartier Industriel, Immeuble Star Systems, 1er étage 

 P.O. Box :  1810 BUJUMBURA


       Telephones:  +257 79 376 966
                                +257 75 119 855                                 +257 69 746 257
         Email :      
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